Our Tax $$s at work..
Review & Outlook: NPR Finally Gets Its Man - WSJ.com
As soon as I have a Congressman, Ryan Frazier, and a Senator, Ken Buck, I can trust to read my e-mail, I will encourage both to support cutting off federal funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which distributes money to NPR.
Why should tax dollars support this organization? If it is popular enough, those who enjoy this level of intolerance will support with their own $$s. The money saved can be applied to the deficit, or offset BO's democratic campaign expenses. It costs $75k per hour to operate AF1 to fly BO to democratic campaign functions.
Not sure what your acronyms mean. See the following excerpt.
"Important things to consider before using an acronym
Short forms aren't always the best way to tackle redundant writing. So, if you're going to use acronyms in your business writing, remember:
The first time you use an acronym in your document, the words should be written out with the short form placed in parentheses immediately after. This way, it's clear to the reader exactly what the letters mean. Here's an example:
A New World Order (NWO) came into effect after 9/11.
Readers will then be aware that any future reference to the "NWO" in your document really refers to the New World Order. After you've established an acronym in your paper, you must consistently use that acronym in place of the words."
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