Thursday, December 02, 2010

New Start: What Would Reagan Do?

New Start: What Would Reagan Do? -

We are fortunate that Messrs. Meese and Perle are still around to clarify Reagan's positions, when President Obama takes such liberties with the truth.


President Obama has taken to the airwaves to pump up support for the New Start Treaty with Russia by arguing that Ronald Reagan would have endorsed it. Both of us had the high honor of knowing our 40th president. We worked for Ronald Reagan, and we're sure that's not the case.
 President Reagan knew that in arms control the U.S. should play to win, and negotiate from a position of strength. With all the concessions the U.S. made to the Russians to secure this flawed agreement, the invocation of Reagan's memory on its behalf is at once an ironic acknowledgment that in these matters Ronald Reagan is the gold standard, and a brazen act of misappropriation.


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