Monday, April 25, 2011

Joseph Mason: Time for a Cease-Fire in the War on Oil -

Joseph Mason: Time for a Cease-Fire in the War on Oil -

Time for more to tell this story. This is a pretty simple story/solution. The Administration announcement that they are escalating the Gulf permitting process and (one can dream) investigating Anwar development will (within 6 months) send the price of oil down in the anticipation of more supply.. It is the way this market works.

Obama’s phony search for oil speculators - Right Turn - The Washington Post

Obama’s phony search for oil speculators - Right Turn - The Washington Post

This opinion piece notwithstanding, why isn't MSM blaming Obama for high oil/gas prices like they did GW when prices were high during his presidency? What could be different?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Al-Anon/Alateen Colorado

This organization has been of great benefit to me.

Al-Anon/Alateen Colorado


Who did this?

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

New Birthday Buddy-April 14, 2011

Review & Outlook: The Other Medicare Cutters -

Review & Outlook: The Other Medicare Cutters -

I am concerned that the Obama Administration is arranging for plans to swing into action in 2014, 2018 handcuffing his replacement(s).... Anyone care to comment on unintended consequences they see?

What tha? Signing Statement Reversal

Long, but worth the time.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Is the left's idea of civility?

A Star Is Born -

I apologize for this moron's language, but am posting this to make the point that it isn't the Tea Party that is full of morons. He is shouting at a 14 year old girl giving a speech in Madison Wisconsin. Please read the WSJ link.

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Incredible Shrinking Obama | The Weekly Standard

The Incredible Shrinking Obama | The Weekly Standard

Barack Obama’s budget address last week ranks among the most dishonest and dishonorable presidential speeches in generations. It contained an avalanche of false and misleading statements. It was shallow and bitterly partisan. Yet the speech served a useful purpose: It provided the American people in general, and Republicans in particular, with the basic line of attack President Obama will use between now and the 2012 election.


Is Donald Trump serious about running for President?  Is Barack Obama serious about being President?

We Must Fight


Saturday, April 16, 2011

2011 Alfa Romeo Giulietta Prestige: A Stirring Stateside Return | Rumble Seat by Dan Neil -

2011 Alfa Romeo Giulietta Prestige: A Stirring Stateside Return | Rumble Seat by Dan Neil -

My 2nd passion after politics.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Obama's in serious trouble | obama, podhoretz, barack - John Podhoretz - The Orange County Register

Obama's in serious trouble | obama, podhoretz, barack - John Podhoretz - The Orange County Register

I pray Mr. Podhoretz is correct.

Ed Shultz: Minorities Expert

Dream On

Phil Gramm: The Obama Growth Discount -

Phil Gramm: The Obama Growth Discount -

"The recovery is being stifled by the unprecedented policy changes undertaken by this administration and the previous Congress. Whether in absolute or relative terms, whether in comparison to our own experience or the performance of our competitors, America's wealth-producing ability has been diminished.
Until last November's elections and the December compromise in the lame-duck Congress, it seemed certain that marginal tax rates on income, dividends and capital gains would rise dramatically. It was not until the off-year election results provided business with some confidence that the administration's ability to further implement its policies through legislative action was at an end that the recovery began to show modest improvements. In short, the 2010 elections imposed a cap on the downside risk associated with the administration's policies and slightly reduced the Obama growth discount.
A good trial lawyer might argue that the star-struck millions who voted for Mr. Obama knew or should have known that his election would mean a larger, more powerful federal government, a massive increase in social spending, and higher taxes on the most productive members of American society, and that the voters got exactly what they voted for. Elections have consequences.
But it is equally clear that Americans did not realize that the price they might pay for big government would be 15.7 million fewer jobs and $4,154 less in per-capita income. Big government costs more than higher taxes. It is paid for with diminished freedom and less opportunity. You can't have unlimited opportunity and unlimited government."

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Eat the Rich

Thursday, April 07, 2011

MSNBC at its best...

Who is more sick... Mika or the producer who decided to re-air this. No one watches Letterman anymore.

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Let's You and Him Fight -

Let's You and Him Fight -

Does a behavioral double standard exist between Christians and Muslims?

Monday, April 04, 2011

He doesn't hate teachers!

Commander-In-Hiding | The Weekly Standard

Bluster. Great word, Fred.

Commander-In-Hiding | The Weekly Standard