Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Something is wrong with Chris Matthews

Is it possible that Chris Matthews has been drunk while hosting his MSNBC show? After all, there are only so many explanations for his horrible and unprofessional habit of slurring nearly every word he says on his TV show! What other TV host could get away with such lazy speech on a national news netwok?
What were some of Matthews’s slurring language? He kept saying “Prez Obama” rather than “President Obama”, “Harbra” instead of “Hardball”, and “conserves” instead of “conservatives”.
“He’s jamming forty words in three seconds,” Stu said.
What could be the source of his slurred speech? Glenn and Pat (jokingly) suggested Matthews could be impaired while on air.
I don’t think alcoholism is funny,” Glenn joked.
“Does he have a drinking problem?” Pat asked.
“I don’t know, but it does sound like it,” Glenn said.
“If it’s alcoholism, it’s got to be vodka Red Bull because he is speaking three times the normal human rate,” Stu added.


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