Who is smarter and why?
This is something I have been wondering about for a while now. We've heard from the Upper West and East sides of NY, the vicious progressive blogs and from Hollywood how stupid George W. Bush was/is. Interestingly his grades at Yale and Harvard were pretty good.
He served his country honorably in the Air National Guard. There was some manufactured controversy over this, motivated by those supporting John Kerry during the 2004 election. The controversy/allegations fell apart costing Dan Rather his job and credibility.
He started, managed and sold a successful oil business. He bought and turned a financially insolvent Major League Baseball team, the Texas Rangers, and turned them into a very profitable and valuable franchise before selling.
In 1992 and 1996 he was elected to terms as Governor of one of the biggest and financially solvent states in the US, Texas, which by the way, has no income tax.
In 2000, he was elected President of the United States. 9 months later we were attacked in the worst ever attack on our country, making him a war President with zero notice or preparation. Kennedy/Johnson knew what they were getting into, as did Wilson, Roosevelt and Truman, all Democrats, I may add. Radical Islam declared and executed a horrendous act of war on the United States with zero warning, yet in the remaining 7+ years of his Presidency he protected us from being attacked again and until late 2008 our economy was solid.
Yet, George W. Bush is still regarded in many progressive thinking circles as stupid.
We don't know what President Obama's undergraduate or law school grades are, because neither his applications for college, law school or any of his transcripts have been made public. I and many find that curious for a number of reasons, but I am sure Barack Obama has good reasons to withhold, otherwise why do so?
He worked as a community organizer in Chicago before obtaining his law degree. He worked as a civil rights attorney in Chicago and taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004.
Barack Obama has no military service.
He served three terms representing the 13th District in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004.
Following an unsuccessful bid against the Democratic incumbent for a seat in the United States House of Representatives in 2000, Obama ran for and was elected to the United States Senate in 2004. He was sworn into office in January 2005.
His presidential campaign began in February 2007, and after a close campaign in the 2008 Democratic Party presidential primaries, he won his party's nomination. In the 2008 presidential election, he defeated Republican nominee John McCain, and was inaugurated as president on January 20, 2009.
He speaks eloquently and powerfully from a teleprompter, but struggles with speaking and answering questions extemporaneously. His writing (see another post on this blog) is suspect.
His presidency has been wracked with broken promises to his base and the rest of the country, and a lack of understanding of our nation's economy. His economic moves (ObamaCare, a $787 billion stimulus package have driven our country deeply into debt and caused the unemployment rate to increase from 7.8% to a high of 10%. It has settled in at 9.1% with little chance of recovering (there is a higher chance that unemployment will increase) anytime in the future because since February 2009 through the present he continues to try the same never successful Keynesian economic methods with the same results.
Yet in most progressive thinking circles, President Obama is regarded as brilliant.
So. My question is what makes Barack H. Obama so smart and George W. Bush so stupid?
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