Ryan .vs Obama
Paul Ryan unveils the House Republican budget proposal Tuesday, as Illinois Republican primary voters go to the polls. I dare say the Ryan budget will be much the more consequential of the two events, and that victory or defeat in the intellectual and political battle over Paul Ryan’s budget will have more effect on the Republican nominee’s fate in November than the results in Illinois.

The good news: Ryan’s budget is even bolder and more specific than last year’s. It’s also better than last year’s, especially because of a couple of tweaks on Medicare reform. In addition, it preserves a reasonable level of defense spending by reforming entitlements, rather than gutting defense, as Obama does, in order to put off tough choices on entitlements. In sum, it’s the document of a serious governing party, and provides a strong and clear contrast to Obama. I expect the Republican presidential candidates (basically) to endorse it, run on it, and govern according to it.
Almost as good as having Ryan as president!
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