Sunday, October 31, 2010

ObamaCare 2011 effect on my wife and me

Yesterday I received my 2011 Cincinnati Bell healthcare documents.

Our 2010 monthly costs for a simple Healthcare Savings Account  Plan ($2,400 deductible each for Mavourneen and me) and comprehensive dental are $11 and $30 respectively.

Our 2011 monthly costs for a simple HSA Plan ($2,400 deductible each for Mavourneen and me) and comprehensive dental will be $60, a 445% increase, and $33, a 10 % increase,

In addition to the $720 annual medical plan premium, Mavourneen and I must pay out of pocket $2,400 each before the plan pays anything.  That has not changed, but the premium has, and I've digressed.

What we receive for the 445% medical plan increase is nothing.  Family plan coverage provides for dependent children up to age 26.  THAT monthly coverage cost has increased from $12 to $70 per month, a 483% increase. Neither of our children is age 26 or younger.  No coverage has been expanded...  Actually non prescription meds have been excluded as covered items for HSA expenditures. WTF?  Did Ed (Perlmutter), Mark (Udall) and Mike (Bennet) read that page and actually think it was a good idea?

It does not take a rocket scientist to conclude that my family and every other covered retiree of Cincinnati Bell is subsidizing ObamaCare.  This year's and 2012 through 2013 are paying for stuff that does not kick in till 2014. I have thought the Obama presidency was my worst nightmare.  This just confirms to my conclusion.. Is this change my family can believe in, benefit from and enjoy?  I am disgusted, because a large % of those whom are supposedly representing us voted for this bill without even reading it and are NOT effected.


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