Saturday, December 18, 2010

Obama’s Learning Curve

Obama’s Learning Curve | The Weekly Standard

For a smart man, he can sometimes be awfully slow.


Starting on the negative side, the president appears to believe his policies aren’t responsible for slow economic growth and minimal job creation since the recession ended in June 2009. Rather, the darn economy is to blame. This is a case of blaming the dogs for refusing to eat the dog food. That the dog food is the problem is beyond Obama’s comprehension.
True, he reached agreement with Republicans to prevent income tax rates from rising next month, including for high earners. But he had no choice. To keep from violating his pledge not to raise taxes for the middle class, and averting political suicide, he had to forgo raising them for the upper class. He did so grudgingly. Republicans just wouldn’t “budge” on this, he said.


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