Sunday, October 31, 2010

ObamaCare 2011 effect on my wife and me

Yesterday I received my 2011 Cincinnati Bell healthcare documents.

Our 2010 monthly costs for a simple Healthcare Savings Account  Plan ($2,400 deductible each for Mavourneen and me) and comprehensive dental are $11 and $30 respectively.

Our 2011 monthly costs for a simple HSA Plan ($2,400 deductible each for Mavourneen and me) and comprehensive dental will be $60, a 445% increase, and $33, a 10 % increase,

In addition to the $720 annual medical plan premium, Mavourneen and I must pay out of pocket $2,400 each before the plan pays anything.  That has not changed, but the premium has, and I've digressed.

What we receive for the 445% medical plan increase is nothing.  Family plan coverage provides for dependent children up to age 26.  THAT monthly coverage cost has increased from $12 to $70 per month, a 483% increase. Neither of our children is age 26 or younger.  No coverage has been expanded...  Actually non prescription meds have been excluded as covered items for HSA expenditures. WTF?  Did Ed (Perlmutter), Mark (Udall) and Mike (Bennet) read that page and actually think it was a good idea?

It does not take a rocket scientist to conclude that my family and every other covered retiree of Cincinnati Bell is subsidizing ObamaCare.  This year's and 2012 through 2013 are paying for stuff that does not kick in till 2014. I have thought the Obama presidency was my worst nightmare.  This just confirms to my conclusion.. Is this change my family can believe in, benefit from and enjoy?  I am disgusted, because a large % of those whom are supposedly representing us voted for this bill without even reading it and are NOT effected.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Good Buds

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Slimy Bastards

Review & Outlook: The Unseen Carbon Agenda -

"Anyone who cares about the U.S. economy is breathing easier now that cap and tax appears to be on the political garbage barge, but don't be so sure. The White House is still pursuing its carbon agenda through regulation, albeit with almost no public attention, and a new study shows the damage that is already being done...."

"The larger point is that instead of debating a carbon program on the merits, the Obama Administration is now trying to impose the same burden step by step on the sly. At this point, the only way voters can stop the EPA is to install a check in one of the other branches of government. Election Day is Tuesday....."

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Strong Wind Last Night

Replacement covers are virtually impossible to get, soo we'll be lookin for a new gazebo next spring..

I think we should leave it as is until after Halloween..

For those who wonder why we stay in Colorado, note the color of the sky..

Monday, October 25, 2010

Please call me Senator.

What is Wrong with These Guys?

Review & Outlook: Another Drilling Smackdown -

The administration could claim tens of thousands of jobs gained (never mind that govt knee jerk restrictions killed the jobs in the 1st place) if they would just streamline getting the Gulf up and drilling oil again.

Seriously, is this the change the folks voted for?


Federal Ethanol Scam

A rush to judgment: E15 and the unintended consequences of federal energy mandates

Do you every wonder why the gasoline you purchase contains 10%, soon to be 15%, ethanol? I do.

Did the market bring it because it was both useful and cost effective or did farm lobbyists back door this with the only beneficiaries being farmers, lobbyists and, dare I say farm state legislators?

Below is an excerpt from the linked article.

The RFS was originally created by the Energy Policy Act of 2005 and required 7.5 billion gallons of renewable fuel to be blended into gasoline by 2012 – a target later extended to 36 billion gallons by 2022 under the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (or RFS 2). At the time, many policymakers promised that an increased use of corn-based ethanol would result in reduced greenhouse gas emissions and cuts in oil imports.

Through this federal intervention, policymakers attempted to manufacture a minimum “market” for ethanol. But the numbers are a problem. Thirty-six billion gallons per year, if achieved by blending ethanol into gasoline, would amount to 20 to 25 percent ethanol in gasoline. The vast majority of vehicles in use today – as well as marine and small engines — are not guaranteed to operate safely on ethanol blends higher than E10. Only about 3 percent of today’s vehicles are flex-fuel vehicles that can accommodate greater amounts of ethanol, and that percentage will grow slowly as new flex-fuel vehicles are introduced. Further, many flex-fuel vehicle owners prefer to use gasoline, which provides better fuel economy than high-level ethanol blends. And it’s worth mentioning that ethanol is almost always more expensive on an energy-adjusted basis than gasoline.

The recent economic decline exacerbates this problem. Fewer new vehicles are being sold, and demand for gasoline has dropped — yet the annual volumes of renewable fuels mandated by RFS remain fixed.

EPA’s E15 waiver attempts to address this problem.


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Straight Shooting from Steve Wynn

This interview with Wynn actually appeared on CNBC, one of the White House's propaganda machines.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

But Gee, Look what it's doing for Corn Futures.

EPA Approves Higher Ethanol Blend -

Time is hardly a liberal bastion, so then they have discovered the ethanol scam, there must be something to it. It is no secret that the farm deals made in Iowa, with Archer Daniels Midland and other corn farmer conglomerates, prior to the 1st Presidential primary set up ethanol for another profitable 4 years...

Our Tax $$s at work..

Review & Outlook: NPR Finally Gets Its Man -

As soon as I have a Congressman, Ryan Frazier, and a Senator, Ken Buck, I can trust to read my e-mail, I will encourage both to support cutting off federal funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which distributes money to NPR.

Why should tax dollars support this organization? If it is popular enough, those who enjoy this level of intolerance will support with their own $$s. The money saved can be applied to the deficit, or offset BO's democratic campaign expenses. It costs $75k per hour to operate AF1 to fly BO to democratic campaign functions.


Friday, October 22, 2010

Holman Jenkins, Jr.: The Truth About the Chevy Volt -

Holman Jenkins, Jr.: The Truth About the Chevy Volt -

The truth, as Mr Jenkins points out, is that the Volt may be as big a scam as ethanol.

Here We Go

I killed my FB account and any words of wisdom, postings and links will be here. I mean it this time. I am not sending out political e-mails any more.

Perfect opportunity for a jackpot, huh?
